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Personal Services

Personal Life

Our team of family lawyers at McCarthy Durie Lawyers understand that the breakdown of a relationship can be very traumatic for all involved. Emotions often run high, and things can seem all too overwhelming. Whether you need to make arrangements for the care of your children, the division of your property, financial support, or help with domestic violence, or you simply wish to come in and discuss your options with us, our team at McCarthy Durie can advise you on your rights and help you negotiate the best possible outcome to achieve your goals.

At McCarthy Durie Lawyers, our emphasis is on providing you with succinct family law advice about the outcome you can reasonably expect to achieve and guiding you through that process in a timely and cost-effective way.

See our Family Law Team

Protect your Assets

Have you thought about how to best structure your assets to protect them in times of trouble? Asset Protection is more than simply setting up a company or trust or having your spouse hold assets in their name. It involves analysing your affairs holistically while considering the tax implications of a particular structure. In order to protect your assets, we need to understand your business, risk profile, and how your assets are owned. Obtaining professional advice early is the best way to avoid the costly exercise of restructuring your affairs later down the track. Careful planning and regular reviews are the key steps in asset protection.

When it comes to setting up a business or purchasing a significant asset, asset protection and the tax effects are the two most important issues. Speak to the team at McCarthy Durie Lawyers today to plan for a positive future.

See our Commercial Law Team

Plan Ahead

We all know that there is nothing more certain in life than “death and taxes”. For that reason, it is important to obtain professional advice when preparing your Will to ensure your estate is “passed on” in the way you intend and that you take advantage of various techniques to minimise tax and protect your assets.

McCarthy Durie provides personalised advice for estates of all sizes and complexities. Our lawyers are well versed in sophisticated estate planning vehicles, including special disability trusts and testamentary discretionary trusts to assist in asset protection and tax minimisation. We also prepare powers of attorney (appointing certain people to handle your financial and/or personal affairs if you become incapacitated) and advance health directives.

When death occurs within the family, this is an emotional time, and here at McCarthy Durie, we understand that. We are available to provide personal, confidential, and professional assistance with the administration of estates, obtaining probate or letters of administration, collecting and distributing assets, and preparing post-mortem tax returns.

We also are experienced in assisting people who feel that they have not been treated fairly under a Will and wish to contest it.

See our Estate Planning Team

Personal Legal services offered: