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Employment Lawyers for Employers

Get expert, affordable legal advice

Running a business can be complex and time-consuming, so when you have a dispute with an employee, it can be difficult to deal with if you don’t have someone to help.

MDL’s experienced Employment Law team can assist you by providing the necessary advice to prevent disputes if possible, and if a dispute does arise, resolve it without unnecessary legal fees and without the dispute having a significant impact on your business.

We specialise in providing employers with:



Employment Documentation 

Our experienced lawyers can work with you to prepare any employment documentation that is necessary for your business.

Regardless of whether you have employees or contractors, it is extremely important to have a properly drafted contract in place to assist in the future if a dispute does arise, or to prevent disputes altogether.

MDL’s experienced lawyers can assist you with preparing:

  • Employment Contracts
  • Independent Contractor Agreements
  • Enterprise Agreements
  • Policies and Procedures
Employee or Contractor?

Establishing whether or not your contractors may actually be employees is extremely important to avoid any future liability for your business. Employees have entitlements such as annual leave and superannuation that contractors don’t, and if it is found in the future that your contractor is actually an employee, you may be required to pay back entitlements that were not originally provided.

Accordingly, at MDL, we can assist in determining whether someone is an employee or a contractor to mitigate any future liability for your business. Furthermore, our experienced lawyers can also assist if a dispute arises concerning this issue.

Terminating Employees 

Every now and then, it becomes necessary to terminate an employee. Whether by way of redundancy or dismissal, MDL’s experienced lawyers can provide you with advice to ensure you are following all relevant laws before terminating an employee.

We can assist with:

  • Preparing show-cause letters
  • Preparing termination letters
  • Preparing redundancy consultation letters

Defending Fair Work Applications 

Defending an application to the Fair Work Commission can be time-consuming and costly, especially if it’s something you haven’t encountered before.

At MDL, we can assist you in defending any application made against your business to the Fair Work Commission, and we will strive to achieve the best possible outcome for your business with minimal legal costs.

We can assist you in defending any of the following Fair Work Commission applications:

  • Unfair Dismissal
  • General Protections
  • Unlawful Termination

Get tactical and down-to-earth advice from our experienced employment law team 

Do what’s right for your business and employees and get advice from our dedicated employment law team.