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Mastering Deeds: A Guide to Proper Execution Across Australian Jurisdictions

By Drazen Kozaric In the realm of legal transactions in Australia, deeds hold a special place. They are solemn instruments that go beyond the simplicity of ordinary contracts, requiring specific formalities to ensure their validity and enforceability. Whether you’re entering into a property transaction, a financial arrangement, or any other agreement, understanding how to correctly […]

Modern Slavery Statement – is yours compliant?

By Madeleine Harling The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (“Modern Slavery Act”) requires certain entities to report on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and actions to address those risks, and for related purposes. This obligation exists on entities that are based, or operating, in Australia, which have an annual consolidated […]


Directors Penalty Notices (DPNs) issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are serious matters that can have significant implications for company directors in Australia. These notices are used by the ATO to recover unpaid Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding, GST and Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) liabilities from directors personally. Company directors are responsible to […]

Seize Your Advantage: Master Seller Disclosures

By Jamie Felstead A Practical Consideration of The Property Law Act 2023: Sellers Disclosure It is no secret that Queensland’s Property Legislation has been in need of face lift for some time. It unfortunately took a COVID pandemic, an inflated and highly competitive property market as well as countless unconditional contract horror stories, but change […]

Understanding Executor’s Commission in Queensland: A Guide for Clients

By Aaron Harris As an executor, navigating the administration of a deceased loved one’s estate may appear daunting. Executorship imposes a myriad of responsibilities on an individual, with most being unaware of what the role entails, the duties involved, and whether they may be entitled to compensation for their time. The purpose of this article […]

Storm Water and Drainage: Your rights

NOT A STORM IN A TEACUP WHEN IT COMES TO PROTECTING YOUR HOME – STORMWATER AND DRAINAGE CONCERNS By Madeleine Harling When it comes to your home, your blood sweat and tears have gone into it, and you’ll protect it at all costs – including from unwanted stormwater and drainage concerns which can cause damage […]

Purchase of Property and the Fair Work Act

By Ben Schefe We are currently assisting a client with the purchase of a building that has led to some unintended consequences relating to the transfer of business provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“FWA”). Relevant Background A brief summary of the relevant background is as follows: Relevant Provisions of FWA In summary, […]