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More than 60,000 Queensland drivers lost their licence due to demerit points in 2012-13

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Queensland police cancelled more than 60,000 driver licences in the 2012-2013 year, according to figures obtained by The Courier Mail under Right to Information laws. 

During the 2012-13 financial year 60,845 licences were cancelled due to an accumulation of demerit points, marking an increase from previous years. Individuals affected included 253 taxi drivers and 6,800 truck drivers.

Despite the rise in cancelled licences, magistrates are issuing fewer restricted licences, according to The Courier Mail.

Restricted licences are important for people whose employment requires them to drive, however there are strict requirements they need to meet to be eligible, Transport Minister Scott Emerson told The Courier Mail on June 30. 

“If a person needs to drive for their job and they lose their licence, I believe it is appropriate to have an avenue whereby people can apply for a work licence, however we have strict eligibility requirements in place,” Mr Emerson said.

“The simple message to all drivers is if you do the wrong thing and don’t obey the road rules, you risk losing your licence, or worse.”

How to apply for a restricted (work licence)

Don’t let an employee’s behaviour impact on your business. If an individual is convicted of a drink- or drug-driving offence, they may be able to apply for a restricted licence. 

A person is eligible for the restricted licence if they are able to demonstrate they will respect the road rules, other road users and the  public in general. In addition to demonstrating their regard for safety, the applicant must show the court they need a driver licence for their day to day work, or would suffer extreme hardship without it, explains the Department of Transport and Main Roads. 

If eligible, an employment lawyer can help you to obtain an order from the court stating the individual is to be issued a restricted licence. An application for an order directing the issue of a Restricted Licence (s87)(Form F3181) must be submitted to the magistrate. It is essential to act in the time between the magistrate finding the individual guilty and sentencing. 

A Brisbane employment lawyer can talk you through the process of obtaining a restricted licence or other work licences. 

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