A bipartisan approach to planning reform in Queensland is crucial for progress, according to a leading industry organisation.
The Property Council of Australia said it is pleased the two largest political parties in the state have agreed changes are required. Last month, the Palaszczuk government unveiled its Better Planning for Queensland direction paper, which outlined proposals for development reform.
Furthermore, the Opposition brought new planning legislation to Parliament on June 4, after an 18-month consultation phase that was completed while they were in government. Queensland Executive Director of the Property Council Chris Mountford claimed the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee will analyse the bill and ask for feedback from stakeholders.
“Importantly, today (June 4) both major parties put politics aside and agreed that achieving the best outcome for Queenslanders was more important than political point scoring,” he explained. “This bipartisan commitment is timely, as today the Property Council has released our 2015 Development Assessment Report Card which clearly shows that Queensland’s planning system needs more reform.”
Ongoing talks of change in the state’s planning laws could have an impact on local developers. An expert planning and development legal team can provide more information on current legislation and the effect of reform.
The Property Council’s Development Assessment Report Card ranked Queensland as the second-worst state in the country for planning framework excellence. Only Tasmania performed worse on the 10-point system, scoring just 5.2 points to Queensland’s 5.8.
Kathy Mac Dermott, also a Queensland executive director at the Property Council, said the state’s current laws are a “significant barrier to investment”.
“Queensland has become uncompetitive, and this report card shows just how far we have slipped behind,” she added.
To discuss planning and development in the state, please contact expert property lawyers. They can assist with a range of issues, including consents, permits and licences, as well as environmental disputes and regulatory requirements.