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Storm Water and Drainage: Your rights

NOT A STORM IN A TEACUP WHEN IT COMES TO PROTECTING YOUR HOME – STORMWATER AND DRAINAGE CONCERNS By Madeleine Harling When it comes to your home, your blood sweat and tears have gone into it, and you’ll protect it at all costs – including from unwanted stormwater and drainage concerns which can cause damage […]

Purchase of Property and the Fair Work Act

By Ben Schefe We are currently assisting a client with the purchase of a building that has led to some unintended consequences relating to the transfer of business provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“FWA”). Relevant Background A brief summary of the relevant background is as follows: Relevant Provisions of FWA In summary, […]

ASIC cracks down on online trading providers to protect retail investors

By Eda Ince In a report released last week on Wednesday, (REP 778: Review of Online Trading Providers), ASIC has highlighted its observations from its surveillance of online trading providers. ASIC is concerned about the potential risks associated with online trading, including investment hype, inadequate supervision, misleading statements, and the use of digital engagement practices […]

ASIC’s Latest Report Reveals Lingering Concerns in Reportable Situations Regime

By Eda Ince In a recent publication, ASIC unveiled its second report on the Reportable Situations Regime (Regime), titled “Insights from the reportable situations regime: July 2022 to June 2023” (REP 775). This report sheds light on the trends and observations gathered from breach reports submitted by AFS and credit licensees between 1 July 2022, […]

The Road to Regulation: Commonwealth Treasury Releases New Consultation Paper on Regulating Crypto Exchanges

By Eda Ince Last week the Commonwealth Treasury released a new consultation paper on regulating crypto exchanges, outlining a proposed framework to address the significant risks and potential harms associated with these platforms, while fostering innovation and safe usage of digital assets. The paper proposes to regulate digital asset platforms within the existing Australian financial […]

Chat GPT and the Legal Profession

By Madeleine Harling With the release of CHAT GPT and other versions of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) there has been talk amongst the legal profession about how the use of Artificial Intelligence can be used to enhance legal services to our clients, but also relevantly, the concerns associated with it, including ethical and confidentiality concerns. Advantages […]

MDL’s New Full Service Solutions for Financial Service Providers

By Eda Ince In an Era of Continual Change and Scrutiny: McCarthy Durie Lawyers’ New Full-Service Solutions for Australian Financial Service Providers McCarthy Durie Lawyers is excited to announce its new full-service solution for Australian Financial Service Providers (AFSPs). The solution is designed to help AFSPs of all sizes meet their needs, from initial set-up […]