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Business sales – Due Diligence – Seller Beware

by Bruce Sargent Buyer due diligence is a critical process in which potential buyers thoroughly examine a business’s financial, operational, legal, and other relevant aspects before completing the purchase. While due diligence is essential for making informed decisions, there can be certain dangers associated with it. Disclosure of Sensitive Information: During due diligence, you will […]

Don’t “Jump the Gun” on Land Resumptions

With Ian Neil, written by Jessica Ross | Read the full article on ABC News. Lawyer Ian Neil, who has handled land resumptions for decades, said recent rapid growth in south-east Queensland had meant a “flurry of activity” involving various government departments acquiring land and properties for infrastructure. “The last two or three years the authorities […]

Will a Caveat Protect a Lender?

By Nathan Hardman Lenders frequently submit caveats to safeguard their interest in the security property they are lending against until the loan is settled. However, it is crucial for lenders to verify their eligibility to lodge a caveat beforehand. If a caveat is lodged without a valid claim, lenders expose themselves to significant liability. Additionally, […]

Key Considerations for Selling Your Business

By Chris Andary As a Commercial Lawyer, I frequently assist clients who are contemplating the sale of their businesses. The process of selling a business can be intricate, necessitating comprehensive knowledge and preparation. In this article, I am going to share ten simple tips to guide you through the process of selling your business efficiently […]

Preparing to Sell Your Business in QLD: Major Challenges and Legal Issues 

Selling a business is a significant life event that involves various complexities, challenges, and legal obligations. If you’re a business owner preparing to sell in Queensland (QLD), you need to understand the unique business environment and regulations in this region. This article will delve into the major challenges and legal issues you might encounter.  1. […]